Thursday, December 13, 2012

Christmas Must Be Something More lyrics ~ Taylor Swift || What's Christmas should be ? || by 2 VES (our oppinion)

Christmas Must Be Something More
1.what if ribbons and bows didn't mean a thing ? would the song still survive without 5 golden rings ? would you still wanna kiss without mistletoe ? what would happen if GOD never let it snow ? what would happen if Christmas carols told a lie ? tell me what would you find

Reff : you'd see that today holds something special, something holy not superficial, so here's to the birthday Boy who saved our lives.. it's something we all try to ignore, but put a wreath up on your door, so here's something you should know that is for sure.... Christmas Must Be Something More

2. what if angels did not pay attention to, all the things that we wished they would always do ? what happiness came in a cardboard box ? then i think there is something we all forgot. What would happen if presents all went away ? tell me what would you find

 (back to Reff)

3. we get so caught up in all of it, business and relationship, hundreds mile in our lives, and it's the time of year, and everybody is here, it seems the last thing on your mind....

is that today hold something special, something holy not superficial, so here's to Jesus Christ who saved our lives... it's something we all try to ignore, but out a wreath up on your door, so here's something you should know that is for sure..
Christmas must be something..
Christmas must be something..
Christmas must be something more..
there's gotta be more..
there's gotta be more..

We think it is true, Christmas MUST be something more. All that we ever thought, Christmas is about giving presents, decorating Christmas tree, put a wreath up on the door, delivering Christmas cards, but there's actually much more than that. Christmas is the time when we get around with our family, going to church, having a really great time with others, caroling and share joy with others, not just your family and friends, but most importantly, celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Christmas is actually the time when our Lord became a man, He even humbled Himself beacuse He loves us so much. like they say on Philippians 2 : 6-8 "Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped, but made Himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. and being found in appearance as a man, He humbled Himself and became obedient to death - even death on a cross". C'mon let's think differently about Christmas from now on ! :)
Hope you have a beautiful and magical Christmas..!!


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Friday, November 16, 2012

Finally, it's weekend!!

Weekend! I think most people love weekend because they don't need to go to school on weekend. We can also stay up late and wake up in the afternoon because it's weekend! We can also hang out with our friends and go to the cinema. In weekend we can also stay at home all day watching TV or playing games. It's as fun as going out. The best thing about weekend is there's no school and assignments!
Most people here spend their weekend to go to the mall with their friends and family. Weekend is also the time to gather with our family because it's hard to gather with your family on weekday because we don't have much time. It's also the time to go to church on Sunday. For me, sometimes I prefer to go to mall to buy some novels on Saturday and stay at home all day reading novels I have bought yesterday and watching TV or surfing the internet.
It's just 2 days. So, use your time wisely before school starts! :p

Friday, September 28, 2012


Forgive is just a simple word, but something hard to do. Forgive comes from heart, not only from your mouth.
I want them to forgive each other..
But how come they don't..
I want us to still be together..
But how come you won't..
There are so many questions in my head about forgiveness.. But all of them are not answered..
Many reasons in my head about how you have to forgive.. How you should do.. How you should feel..
I can't take this lie again..
I only wish for one thing..
And that is for you to forgive each other...
It is just a simple word.. But something hard to do...

First post ever..!!

Hi there.. This is our first post..!! I just wanna tell you that this is a blog about our friendship.. And it is all about us.. We will never lie..!! Except for our names i guess.. Enjoy our diary... :)