Thursday, October 24, 2013

Friendship Drawing ~ 2VES

Another drawing that i drew during class, (i'm so sorry teachers ><) and well yeah, the hair is totally weird, but i like it anyway, but what i love best about this one is actually the bricks, i don't even know why :b

Well, i just want to tell you that it's hard to find a 'real' bestfriend, that will always be there for you, help you, give advices for you, make sure that you're fine, cheer you, be crazy with you, make sure that you do the right things and much more.. so when you find that person, hold it. don't let go. and do the same for them, give them a big hug, and say "thankyou, for being there for me" and love them with all your heart <3 

~ 2VES

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