Monday, January 20, 2014

Happy Lunar New Year !! || Horse drawing

Hi guys !!
So, Chinese new year is just around the corner !! are you guys excited ??
to bright up the spirit, i decided to draw a horse !! Next year is going to be a horse year..
have you prepare your red clothes yet ? are you excited to meet your cousins, uncles, aunts, grandma and granpa ?? or are you excited for that red envelope ?? :3
either way, prepare yourself for a brand new year and hope for it to be a great and magical year.. we'll never know our future, but we can always prepare, right ?

Taylor Swift at Victoria's Secret drawing

i finally posted this \m/ i think this is my best drawing of Taylor :3 i can't draw her eyes nose and mouth tho.. so.. yeah :b
i know i'm *very* late but she was very awesome at the Victoria's Secret !! she looked like one of the models, like she's tall, she's gorgeous, her dress are pretty, and her shoes !! i love her shoes !!
okay, so.. i don't know what else to say.. just.. well.. have a great day all !!