Friday, January 4, 2013

We Welcome YOU, 2013 !! HAPPY NEW YEAR..!!! || by 2 VES

Horay..!! it's already a new year !! 2012 has been an exciting year. We even survived the DOOMED DAY...!!! 2012 has given us a lot of memories. Joy, Happiness, tears, anger, all mixed up together. We've been through a lot of experiences that made us wiser and more mature. We hope in 2013 there are more laughter, more smiles, more happiness, more love, more health, less sadness, and less anger. And we hope that in 2013 we can make more memories about our crazy friendship and will always remember them. Have you wrote your resolution for 2013? For us, resolution has such a big meaning. All of us already wrote down our resolution for this year. One of us that joins the Modern Dance team in our school, wants to bring the name of our school to the higher level. And two of us, that actually really really love Korea, they are planing to visit Korea this year to meet their idol. All of us hope to meet Taylor Swift, if she comes to Indonesia. Please come. Hopefully, all of our resolution this year will come true. Let's take the joy of New Year to all of the world !! Happy New Year All, hope you have a blessed year !!! ^ ^

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