Wednesday, February 6, 2013

I Hate You!

Wow. HATE. it's a really big word you know, even though it is only consist of 4 alphabets. hate is a big and also strong word. saying that to somebody might hurt their feelings. "i hate you!" it's really simple, right ? but that words can stick to their hearts and minds and make them change forever.

i had an experience about hate. i wrote "i hate her" on my facebook status, then my uncle comment it, he said "please do not use the word hate, hate is a really strong word. maybe you should pray and ask God so you can forgive her" then i realized what i have done. i deleted that status. then, i tried in my heart to forgive her. it feels like every color in the rainbow mixed up together in it. a few weeks later, our school had this character building. the theme was 'Be Like Jesus'  . they have a dedication service in it, the speker said "if you want to be like Jesus, you have to forgive others. even though it really hurts, but you have to let Him create you to be the best you." in that moment. in my heart i said "i have to say sorry to her, i have to forgive her with all my heart." when i looked at her, i didn't think of anything else, i just ran to her, hug her and said "i'm sorry"

after that, i feel happiness in my heart blows like a thousand charms, maybe even more. it feels so much happy not to hate someone. so, after reading this, i hope that you can forgive someone that you hate. i promise you, after you do, you'll feel so much better.

Have a nice day ! XD

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