Saturday, March 23, 2013

All Too Well lyrics by Taylor Swift

So, this is another Taylor Swift song that i madly in love, it's called All Too Well. I really love this song because her voice is so powerful, the guitar and drum are also AMAZING !!! And.. this is the lyrics.. enjoy :)

All Too Well 

I walked through the door with you,
the air was cold,
but something about it felt like home, somehow.
And i left my scarf there, at your sister's house
and you've still got it, in your drawer even now.
Oh your sweet disposition
and my wide-eyed gaze
we're singing in the car, getting lost upstate.
Autumn leaves falling down, like pieces into place
and i can picture it, after all these days.
And i know it's long gone, and that magic' not here, no more
and i might be okay, but i'm not fine at all...

Cause here we are again, on that
little town street
you almost ran the red cause you were lookin' over at me
wind my hair, i was there
i remember it, all too well

Photo album on the counter,
your cheeks were turning red
you used to be a little kid with glasses
in a twin sized bed.
And your mother's telling stories
about you on the tee ball team
you taught me your past,
thinking your future was me.
And i know it's long gone,
and there was nothing else i could do
and i forget about you long enough
to forget why i needed to...

Cause there we are again, in the middle of the night
we're dancin' round the kitchen, in the refrigerator light
down the stairs, i was there,
i remember it, all too well

well maybe we got lost in translation, maybe i asked for too much,
but maybe this thing was a masterpiece,
till you tore it all up.
Running scared, i was there
i remember it, all too well..
And you call me up again, just to break me like a promise
so casually cruel in the name of being honest,
i'm crumpled up piece of paper lying here,
cause i remember it, all.. all.. all.. too well...

Time wont fly, it's like i'm paralyzed by it,
i'd like to be my old self again, but i'm still trying to find it
after plaid shirt days and nights
when you made me your own,
now you mail back my things, and i walk home alone
but you keep my old scarf, from that very first week
cause it reminds you of innocence,
and it smells like me,
you can't get rod of it,
cause you remember it all too well

Cause there we are again, when i loved you so
back before you lost the one real thing you've ever known
it was rare, i was there, i remember it all too well...
wind my hair, you was there, you remember it all..
down the stairs, you was there, you remember it all..
it was rare, i was there, i remember it all too well....

~ ~ ~ ~
So, that's the lyrics of All Too Well, hope you liked it :)  

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Think About it ONE MORE Time :)

Today, when i got home, as always, i looked at my instagram. I followed a lot, i mean A LOT of swifties account. And then, one of them post a picture with a comment "a swiftie (@thatssoswift) tried to overdose but she was saved." I WAS SHOCKED !! but also curious. So i opened the account and looked at the comments about her. It kinda says, she's having a hard life. I felt very horrible. The newest pic always told us about how's she's doing. The good news is that she didn't have the account alone. She have friends. But one of the pic, says "i'm going out for dinner, tell everyone on ig that i'm alive and breathing, but not okay. i did take pills last night, but i didn't take enough. and yes, i'm still thinking about doing it again." ohh wow. i couldn't say a word. all that we can do left is just to say "NO, DON'T DO IT, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL, ILYSM" all is up to her.
Now what she has to do is, Think About it ONE MORE time. Think about the people that you would leave. Think about the swifties that are trying their hardest just to stop you from doing it. Think about your sister. Think about Taylor Swift, or Justin Bieber, or Demi Lovato, or One Direction. Think about your dreams. Think about how many lives that you can change. just look at it in a brighter way. Life is BEAUTIFUL. God is giving you another chance to live. He have many more plans for you. And remember, He'll only gives you The Best. You can make many difference to people around you. You are different and you are special, just the way you are. And, yes, you are beautiful. Just think about the fun moments that you might have. And be thankful for the times and memories that you have, weather it is good or not.
(Ecclesiastes 3 : 1a, 4, and 11a) There is time for everything, a time to weep, and a time to laugh, a time to mourn, and a time to dance, He has made everything beautiful in His time.

If you can't find joy, then here's how. Joy, comes from a Greek word chairo which is at the center of the Greek word for thanksgiving. Try giving thanks from a simple little thing, like, i'm thankful that i have such great friends that supported me. I'm thankful that God has made another day. I'm thankful for my parents that He gave. I'm thankful for the health that He gave. I'm thankful that i could still laugh today. and many more benedictions. In that way, you can see how BEAUTIFUL the world is.
Remember, No Rain No Rainbow. There will be something beautiful behind it. You just need to get past through it.

Stay strong Jess
We all love you

And God loves you too

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Bahaya Social Media

Sorry kalo selama ini kita udah jarang nulis blog. Kita semua disibukin sama tugas-tugas sekolah dan ulangan sekolah. Bentar lagi bakal ada UTS. Btw, jangan bahas perihal UTS dulu, baru denger namanya aja gue udah bete setengah mampus. Gue mau cerita tentang kehidupan gue pas kelas 7. Dulu pas masih SD, gue tekenal dengan kealiman gue, dan dulu gue masih belom mengenal twitter. Waktu itu tuh masih jaman-jamannya facebook dan main pet society. Dulu kalo ga main petsos gue dikatain anak cupu. Oke, lanjut ke masa-masa gue kelas 7. Dulu pas kls 7, gue baru pertama kali ngerasain yang namanya MOS. Dulu gue kira MOS tuh enak, dan MOS tuh bener-bener seru. Ternyata ga sama sekali. MOS itu tempat buat kakak-kakak kelas di sekolah gue ngerjain gue, dengan nyanyi making melody dengan tariannya. Dan tariannya itu sangatlah memalukan bagi lo yang belom tau. Dulu gue pas awal-awal kelas 7 masih sangat alim, ke sekolah diiket dua, kadang gue dikirain orang gila gara-gara gue pernah diiket tiga. Gue tau sekarang itu emang kayak orang gila. Dulu gue belom kenal sama temen-temen gue yang sekarang bikin blog sama gue, karena dulu gue kuper, dan sekarang bisa dibilang gue kelewat gaul. Dulu gue sering banget makan di kantin bareng temen-temen gue yang sama kupernya sama gue, dan kita semua selalu bawa bekel masing-masing. Sekarang mereka semua tetep temen gue, tapi ga sedeket dulu. Kita udah ngejalanin kehidupan kita masing-masing. Dan gue lebih comfortable dengan kehidupan gue yang sekarang, udah punya cowok, mata ga bisa diem kalo ngeliat baju bagus, lebih mengenal socmed, dan kadang suka jayus. Ngomong-ngomong soal socmed, gue pengen lo semua tau bahayanya socmed. Emang bener sih, lo pada pasti bakal bosen baca ocehan gue, tapi ini emang penting banget, soalnya ada temen gue yang jauh lebih tua dari gue yang pernah kena kejadian kayak gini. Jadi temen gue ini cewek, dan dia kenalan sama seorang cowok melalui socmed. Gue ditunjukin foto yang ada di profilenya dia, dan bisa dibilang dia emang lumayan cakep dalam ukuran seorang cowok. Tapi don't judge a book by it's cover. Itu emang pepatah yang udah basi banget, tapi emang bener begitu. Mereka berdua janjian ketemu di sebuah mall, anggep aja nama mall ini tuh mall A. Jadi, mereka janjian ketemu di mall A, lalu mereka berdua jalan, dan abis dari mall A itu, mereka berdua jalan ke taman, dan si cowok nembak temen gue, dan temen gue nerima cowok itu. Jadi mereka berdua jadian, dan gue kembali jadi jomblo ngenes. Seminggu kemudian, mereka janjian lagi ketemuan di mall yang sama. Mereka berdua udah mulai gandengan tangan, rangkul-rangkulan, bahkan si cowok udah mulai meluk pinggang temen gue. Dan malemnya mereka berdua jalan lagi ke taman yang sama itu. Di sinilah itu semua terjadi. Si cowok mulai nyium temen gue, mulai dari jidat, pipi, sampe akhirnya di bibir. Si cowok juga udah mulai berani ngeraba-raba temen gue itu. Temen gue kaget banget, dan hubungan mereka berdua putus saat itu juga. Dan pada saat itu lah gue menyadari bahaya socmed. Tapi emang bener, ada juga cinta yang tumbuh melalui socmed. Cinta akan tumbuh asal lo bisa memilah-milah mana cowok yang bener, mana cowok yang ga bener. Gue bangga atas keputusan temen gue itu, dan yang baru gue tau, ternyata temen gue itu juga main-main doang sama si cowok. Ternyata....

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